葛兰汀 to Discuss ‘Learning Differently’ in Virtual Presentation


St. Philip 's 大学将接待Dr. 葛兰汀, 一位著名的动物行为科学家和自闭症自我倡导者, 在周五的虚拟Zoom演示中, 2月12日, 2021, 上午11:30至下午12:30. 葛兰汀, 谁小时候被诊断患有自闭症, will share about how her mind works 和 discuss the different approaches to learning - such as her ability to "think in pictures," which helps her solve problems that neurotypical brains might miss. She will also speak on how the detail-oriented minds of the autism spectrum vary by explaining what she has learned to be the three different types of specialized thinking: visual thinking; music 和 math thinking 和; verbal logic thinking.

葛兰汀 was born on August 29, 1947, in Boston, Massachusetts. She has become a leading advocate for autistic communities 和 has also written books 和 provided consultation on the humane treatment of animals. At the age of 2, Gr和in was diagnosed with autism, considered a form of brain damage at the time. 她的治疗包括广泛的语言治疗, which helped to draw out 和 reinforce Gr和in’s communicative abilities.

格兰丁4岁时开始说话. 尽管她的父母在寻找最好的老师, 在初中和高中,社会交往仍然很困难, 其他学生经常取笑格兰丁的口齿不清. Despite these difficulties, Gr和in achieved considerable academic success. She earned a degree in psychology from Franklin Pierce 大学 in 1970, followed by a master's degree in animal science from Arizona State University 和 a doctoral degree in animal science from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. She then worked as a consultant to companies with large animal slaughterhouse operations, advising them on ways of improving the quality of life of their cattle.

Gr和in became nationally known after appearing in Oliver Sacks's 1995 book, 火星上的人类学家, the title of which is derived from Gr和in's description of how she feels in social settings. By that time, she had already made a name for herself in autism advocacy circles. 格兰丁第一次公开谈论自闭症是在20世纪80年代, at the request of one of the founders of the Autism Society of America. 除了自闭症宣传, 格兰丁因在动物福利方面的工作而闻名, 神经学和哲学. 她的书包括 翻译中的动物动物使我们成为人类,获得了评论界的一致好评.

Gr和in's willingness to work with fast-food companies 和 other slaughterhouse owners is controversial within the animal rights community. 在她的书中, 格兰丁提出了减轻焦虑的理由, 而不是最大限度地延长生命, 应该是那些饲养动物的人的首要任务吗. She notes the high degree of anxiety suffered by domestic animals left for long periods of time without human or animal interaction as an example of the ways in which animal welfare is neglected outside of the slaughterhouse.

Gr和in has taken strong positions on autism 和 the education of autistic children. 她提倡早期干预, including the training of teachers to direct each child’s specific fixations. She is a champion of “neurodiversity” 和 has opposed the notion of a comprehensive cure for autism. She argues that her contributions to the field of animal welfare would not have been possible without the insights 和 sensitivities that are a consequence of her autism.

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