
April 27, 2022

DSO Communications


At a special meeting held on April 26, 2022, 十大网赌正规网址官网地区董事会选择东北湖景学院(NLC)的学生卡拉·沙利文作为新的学生受托人.

沙利文的任期为一年,从2022年5月1日开始,到2023年4月30日结束. 十大网赌正规网址官网区是德克萨斯州为数不多的有学生受托人的社区学院系统之一.

“我们感谢即将离任的学生理事为十大网赌正规网址官网提供的出色服务, Aja Leija, 谁密切参与代表该地区并发起了#AlamoTOGETHER学生论坛, 一系列促进学生和学生领袖之间对话的活动,” said Alamo Colleges District Chancellor Dr. Mike Flores. “We are eager to see the valuable contributions that Ms. Sullivan will make as a student representative on our board.”

沙利文目前是NLC的第二学期,她作为学生会主席和NLC学生区议会的主要代表积极参与. She is an early admissions and homeschool dual credit student, currently studying Business Administration.

Sullivan发起了基层发展,并在NLC的各个部门从行政层面开展工作. During her time at NLC, she founded the EMerge Student Alliance, a supportive platform for high school program students, and is enrolled in the Honors Academy with a 4.0 GPA.

“我在十大网赌正规网址官网区很活跃,因为我想回馈这个为我提供了这么多的地区,我真的相信我们可以建立在积极的运动上,” Sullivan said. “This is my second semester at the Alamo Colleges. 当我第一次来到校园时,我被热情和明亮的环境惊呆了. I have already learned so much from my professors, staff advisors, and fellow students, 我想用我学到的东西来回报给我这么多的学校.”

沙利文对她作为十大网赌正规网址官网学生受托人的角色的看法是持续的联系. As the Alamo Colleges District Student Trustee, Sullivan aims to serve as the bridge between students, the college and the district. 沙利文还将最大限度地发挥十大网赌正规网址官网区的优势,利用积极的态度,满足学生的需求,适应环境,促进学生的成功. 

西北维斯塔学院的学生谢德·伍德沃德被任命为候补学生受托人. She will attend board meetings if Sullivan is unable to do so.